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KuneKune Pigs

KuneKune Pigs: The Best Homestead Pasture Raised Pig?

Questions and Comments About KuneKune Pigs,Kune Kune Pigs,KuneKune,Kune Kune Pig,Kune Kune,Kunekune pig

KuneKune Pigs (pronounced Cooney Cooney) is a small, hairy, domesticated pig breed from New Zealand. They are considered the smallest purebred pig breed in the world. They can vary greatly in appearance with different colored coats like black, brown, white, ginger, cream, spotted, and more. They also have different coat textures ranging from sleek and smooth to coarse and curly.

KuneKunes have compact, rounded bodies, supported by relatively short legs contributing to a low, stocky stature. Their broad, flattened faces end in distinctly short, upturned snouts. Large, floppy ears point forward on either side of their head. While coat colors vary widely, Kunes are generally covered in a coarse, longer hair that ranges from sleek to almost curly in texture.. Some Kune Kunes also have fleshy wattles that hang from their jaw known as “piri piri” in Maori.

They originated from small Asian pigs brought by settlers to NZ, the KuneKune was isolated to rural areas and small farms for many decades. Their docile nature and adaptability to foraging made them the perfect multi-purpose farm pig. Though nearly extinct by the 1970s, conservation efforts helped the KuneKune breed survive. Today its growing popularity among small homesteaders and hobby farms is helping ensure the future of this special pig.

In this article, we’ll explore more about what makes KuneKune pigs unique, their characteristics, ideal habitat, diet, lifespan, and health. We’ll discuss their small stature, docile personality, hardy nature, and low-maintenance care requirements that lend themselves well to small-scale food production.

By evaluating their distinct appearance, needs, and traits, we’ll uncover whether the good-natured KuneKune truly is the ideal pig for small farmsteads and backyard pork production.

Why KuneKune Pigs are the Perfect Pig?

For the small-scale homesteader, hobby farmer, or responsible pork producer, the KuneKune truly is the perfect pig. This heritage breed checks all the boxes when thoughtfully raised – small size, calm temperament, grazing ability, longevity, and succulent flavor. KuneKunes form a docile and friendly little herd requiring minimal space and inputs compared to commercial breeds. They respect fences, coexist with other livestock, and make charming pets. When the time comes, their richly marbled meat rivals the taste of the highest-end pork. The KuneKune offers an all-around excellent option for ethically producing pork while bonding with a lovable and lively pigs.

At KuneKune Pigs for Sale we believe that KuneKune Pigs truly are the perfect pig, their ease of handling, hardiness, grazing habits and lack of rooting makes them an exceptional choice for any first time farmers or experienced pork production operations. They are the only pig in the world that is recognized as a grazing pig that can survive solely off of grass which sets them apart from any other pig; some breeders are raising them purely as a grass fed pig which is unheard of in commercial breeds.

Why are KuneKune Pigs Ideal for Homesteaders?

Homesteading to us was our starting point and we quickly learned why KuneKune Pigs were ideal, here are some specific reasons they excel:

  • Calm temperament enables safe interactions with children
  • Grazing ability reduces supplemental feed requirements
  • Low maintenance health usually requires no special care
  • Long lifespans of 15-20 years provide longevity compared to 5 years average for production pigs
  • Tender and flavorful meat rivals premium pork brands
  • Small size perfect for limiting pasture impact and confinement space (average 200-300 lbs vs 700+ for commercial breeds)

By thoughtfully raising KuneKunes, small homesteads can enjoy all the benefits of pig keeping on a miniature scale.

What is the Typical Size of a KuneKune Pig?

KuneKunes are known for being smaller in size than many domestic pig breeds. Full grown adults average about 24-30 inches long from their snout to hindquarters. Typical weights range from 200-300 lbs for mature males (boars) and 120-200 lbs for mature females (sows). Their compact size makes them one of the smallest pig breeds. To learn more about KuneKune Pig Size and Weight we encourage you to read our article that details that specifically.

How Big Do Sows Get?

  • Female KuneKune pigs or sows generally reach weights between 120-200 lbs once fully mature. As the smaller sex, sows tend to max out at about 200 lbs in a healthy breeding female. Genetics and nutrition impact their growth and final size.

How Big Do Boars Get?

  • Intact male KuneKunes or boars are usually considerably larger than females. Average weights for mature boars range from 200-300 lbs, though some exceptionally large males can be heavier. As males continue growing for over a year, their final dimensions are influenced by genetic potential and diet.

How Does KuneKune Meat Taste?

KuneKune meat is prized for its rich depth of flavor and texture. The meat has a distinctive dark pink to red hue indicating higher myoglobin levels than other breeds. The abundant fat marbling and diverse forage-based diet leads to a complex sweet, nutty, and grassy taste. KuneKune pork is exceptionally juicy and tender thanks to its extensive marbling and high fat content. The fat itself has a luscious, creamy mouthfeel that melts at lower temperatures. Overall, the flavor is described as moist, rich, and reminiscent of old-fashioned pork. When cured or smoked, these heritage pigs take on bold added flavors excellently.

KuneKune Pork

How Long do KuneKune Pigs Live?

The average lifespan of a KuneKune Pig is 15 years, with the oldest KuneKune recorded being 21 years old

One factors that contributes to their longevity is KuneKunes have few inherent genetic health issues. They tend to suffer fewer joint problems than heavier commercial breeds. With adequate space, their hooves also tend to naturally wear down.

Providing a nurturing environment and high-quality pasture or feed is key to supporting the KuneKune’s naturally long and healthy life. Their resilience against disease and disorders contributes to their lengthy average lifespan of 15-20 years.

What is a Healthy Diet for KuneKunes?

As natural grazers, a healthy KuneKune Pig Diet consists primarily of fresh pasture, grasses, plants and vegetables KuneKunes thrive when they can freely graze on pasture. They enjoy rooting through greenery and undergrowth for edible plants.

Providing supplemental grains is not a requirement for KuneKune health, but small amounts can be added to their diet. Oats, barley, Alfalfa pellets and wheat in moderation can provide extra protein and nutrients.

kunekune pig feed 2 result KuneKune Pigs: The Best Homestead Pasture Raised Pig?

KuneKunes also appreciate garden produce like fruits and vegetables. Windfall apples, carrot trimmings and melons are enjoyed treats. Kitchen scraps can supplement their diets when available.

Access to fresh clean water is essential for hydration and health.

Overall, the natural grazing behaviors of the KuneKune make their dietary needs easy to meet with just pasture, forage and a few supplements.

How Does Appearance Vary Among KuneKune Pigs?

While KuneKunes share the same general physique, there are some differences among individuals including:

  • Size – Some bloodlines produce pigs on the larger end of the breed standard
  • Leg length – Ranges from very short to moderately short
  • Coat texture – Can be smooth and sleek or longer and coarser, often changes seasonally
  • Coat color – Many solid colors seen as well as spotted patterns
  • Ear shape – Fully upright or floppy/looped ears occur
  • Wattles – Some have full double wattles, one, or none at all

What is the Significance of KuneKune Pig Wattles?

The fleshy wattles that hang from the jaw of some KuneKunes are called “piri piri” in the Maori language. These tassels are considered a distinguishing feature of the breed, though not all individuals have them. The wattles are about 4cm long and are the result of a dominant gene – pigs with just one copy of the “wattles” gene will develop them. Sometimes the wattles are uneven in size or only present on one side. They can also be lost due to injury. While not universal across the breed, the wattles are considered part of the unique KuneKune phenotype.

KuneKune Piglet with Wattles

5 Unique Traits of KuneKune Pigs

1. Do KuneKune Pigs Root?

KuneKune Pigs are not prone to extensive rooting behaviors. Their short upturned noses make rooting in soil more challenging. KuneKunes prefer to graze on grasses and plants rather than root for food. Though some may do minor rooting for specific minerals or grubs, it is not a defining behavior of the breed. Their lack of rooting makes the KuneKune well-suited to pasture-based farming.

2. Do KuneKunes Graze?

KuneKunes are excellent grazers they can acquire most of their diet from fresh pasture and grass alone, and are known as the only pig that can be solely grass-fed. Their grazing ability means providing grain is not essential for KuneKunes as it is for other pigs. KuneKunes will happily graze on meadows and paddocks of mixed grasses and plants. Most breeders still choose to supplement their diet with grain and minerals to ensure they are getting enough vitamins and minerals in spite of their grazing behavior being a distinctive part of the breed.

3. What Makes KuneKunes Different?

KuneKunes are different because of their small size, grazing ability and disinterest in rooting makes them remarkably different than commercial pig breeds. Most pigs require significant amounts of grain and will root or dig up pastures. KuneKunes thrive on grass, are gentle mannered, smaller in size, and do not damage fields. For these reasons, they excel in pasture-based, sustainable farming systems.

4. What is the KuneKunes Temperament?

KuneKunes are known for their docile, gentle, and intelligent nature. They are playful, friendly pigs perfect for interacting with children. Owners describe them as endearing pets.

5. Why Are KuneKunes Easy to Contain?

KuneKunes tend to respect fencing and boundaries thanks to their calm temperament. Additionally, since they do not root extensively like other pigs, they are less inclined to dig and escape confinement. Their small size also enables effective containment in smaller spaces. KuneKunes are typically gentle in nature and do not challenge human handlers. All these traits make them one of the easiest breeds to contain.

Why Kunekunes Excel As Multi-Purpose Pasture-Raised Pigs?

When evaluating heritage breeds sustaining small-scale family farms, Kunekune pigs check all boxes as grazing livestock converting pasture to tasty pork while exhibiting amenable temperaments cohabitating mixed company.

As described across the trait spectrum, Kunekunes remain uniquely suited for ethical, sustainable models. Their medium builds spanning 200 pounds full-grown occupy ideal middle-grounds between meat output and feed inputs without intensive industrial requirements. Peaceful grazer behaviors translate to integration opportunities into diversified agricultural land plots when provided fresh forage.

Hardy health and flexible diets convert household food scraps into quality nutrition. Kunekunes reward caring commitment with decade-plus affectionate companionship. When treated as sentient souls warranting dignity and respect, Kunekunes yield sustenance from the land while returning devotion tenfold.

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contact@kunekunepigsforsale.net | 190 Cimarron Pl Unit 1462, Farmington, AR 72730 |  (417) 986-2403