Featured Piglet
Featured Piglet
KuneKune Calculators
A standout KuneKune female with a vibrant ginger coat. Registered under AKKPS #36462 and microchipped (#992000001712157), she was born on February 11, 2023, showcasing a low COI of 3.06%, indicating high genetic quality.
Pedigree Excellence: Sired by the renowned Andrew (Butch) and from the Tarutaru (Elva Gale) line, she inherits robust health, a gentle temperament, and a striking appearance, marked by her double wattles signaling purebred authenticity.
Key Features:
This gilt embodies the finest traits of the KuneKune breed. Whether for enhancing a breeding program or enriching a show team, she is primed to add value and charm.
Contact us today to integrate this exceptional Ginger KuneKune Gilt into your life and experience the benefits she brings to any breeding or show endeavor.
©2023 Kunekune Pigs For Sale. Powered by Kunekune Pigs For Sale.
contact@kunekunepigsforsale.net | 190 Cimarron Pl Unit 1462, Farmington, AR 72730 | (417) 986-2403